Monday, October 13, 2008

Add Windows Explorer to your Visual Studio tools menu

So glad that there is a solution to this else it takes so many clicks to get there.


To set it up, click Tools, then External Tools..., then click Add. Now enter the following data:
Title: Windows Explorer
Command: explorer.exe
Arguments: /select,"$(ItemPath)"

Leave Initial directoy blank, and click OK. Now when you click Tools, Windows Explorer, Windows Explorer will open with the current file you are editing selected.


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Friday, October 3, 2008

Site: .Net tip of the Day

Adding user to Team Web Access 2005


Add user to team web access for TFS



When you add a user from visual studio Team menu option to be able to access TFS projects, it doesn’t give permissions on team web access in sharepoint. In order to do that, there is a windows group on tfs server machine called TWSA, if you add the user in this group, user gets access to sharepoint tfs site.