Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Website vs Web Application VS 2008

Just recently I moved some code from one application to the other and ended up creating a website instead of web application. All the designer files started crashing on me and I ended up removing them since it wouldn't stop complaining about namespace issues.

Found this post which explains why it happens. Website model doesn't have designer files and are compiled on demand in single dlls. When you build a web application, it builds as one dll and maintain UI elements relation with code behind using designer files.

The link attached below explains how to do it, worked for me! So now I have decided that I'll use Web application instead of Website since its not suggested for non-smaller web applications.

Link: Detail Post by Guru Stop

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to get jQuery intellisense working VS2008

I followed steps from Scottgu blog post to setup jQuery in Visual Studio 2008 but it didn't work.

While searching for the solution I found this post from MWTech

Steps from the post are:

Getting jQuery Intellisense Up & Running

1. Ensure that VS2008 SP1 is installed. (Further info)
2. Ensure that Hotfix KB958502 is installed. (Further info)
3. Install the jQuery library into your project. It'll have a filename like "jquery-1.3.2.js".
4. Install the jQuery Intellisense file into your project. It may very well have a filename like "jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js" but must be renamed to be identical to the jQuery library name, plus "-vsdoc". Thus in this example, it must be renamed to "jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js".
5. Provide a reference to the jQuery library. There are generally two ways to do this, both of which are described below.
6. In external Javascript files a direct reference to the jQuery Intellisense file must be made. More details are provided below.

Works perfectly! Have a look at the complete post if you are having same issues.

AD Group membership lookup - VBA

Found this function to check AD membership of a user from VBA. Very simple and short function.

I'm not sure where I got this from but if the author sees it, please let me know and I'll link to your website.

Function IsMember(strDomain As String, strGroup _
As String, strMember As String) As Boolean
Dim grp As Object
Dim strPath As String

strPath = "WinNT://" & strDomain & "/"
Set grp = GetObject(strPath & strGroup & ",group")
IsMember = grp.IsMember(strPath & strMember)
End Function

Tips and tricks to rescue overdue projects

A very good Article by Omar Al Zabir, conversation style, explaining true practice of Agile/Scrum for projects. Must read this if you are or planning to use Agile Methodology.

Link: http://msmvps.com/blogs/omar/archive/2008/10/20/tips-and-tricks-to-rescue-overdue-projects.aspx

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

.NET IoC Container Comparisons

While looking for a comparison between so many Dependency Injection (IoC) frameworks available. Found this link which further points to a 2 article blog post. Good color coded comparison between some of the popular frameworks out there. Its missing MEF which I looked at today. Didn't get a chance to get more details on it but it seems pretty simple and easy to use.

Link: Part1
Link: Part2

Got the links from StackOverFlow post.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is User member of AD group - VBA

Came across this small function which returns true or false based on the user belonging to a AD group. No need to add a reference to any dll. Very short and works great.

Function IsMember(strDomain As String, strGroup _
As String, strMember As String) As Boolean
Dim grp As Object
Dim strPath As String

strPath = "WinNT://" & strDomain & "/"
Set grp = GetObject(strPath & strGroup & ",group")
IsMember = grp.IsMember(strPath & strMember)
End Function
Thanks to Greg Reddick
Link: http://my.advisor.com/doc/08691